Domain #2
Disaster resilience

Challenge 2.2. Optimisation of communication and warning systems in case of disaster



Open Call #2 laureate

Description of the project

The project envisions exploring the effectiveness of managing information between data sources by using a citizen engagement mobile platform that we have already developed and demonstrating their real-world performance and effectiveness in a real-life scenario with the support of Essex University and the Hellenic Rescue Team. The main end users of the application are citizens living close to or in forested areas, as well as citizens that spend time in those areas and volunteering groups. By providing real-time information about raging fires and how to prevent and react to wildfires, citizens can act more engaged and responsible, which consequently aids volunteering groups in fighting fires.

Mid-term project update

The project progress during the first six months included identifying and validating the modules and content to be used in the mobile application for forest fire education and reporting. After completing the information collection and validation, the content has been implemented and added to the app.

The initial security assessment has been completed, this included a static and dynamic analysis of the tool and alignment to the OWASP Mobile Application Security Verification Standard (MASVS), GDPR and ISO/IEC 27034-1:2011.

Project consortium

Thridium Ltd
Thridium Ltd
MHK Consulting Limited
MHK Consulting Limited
United Kingdom