

SecurIT’s (Horizon 2020, INNOSUP) vision was to create a new global competitive security industrial (&service) value chain thus contributing to structure this emerging sector in Europe by providing key and integrated services in all steps of solution maturity, addressing all technological, ethical, legal and societal challenges of the security industries & services as a whole. SecurIT offered financial support to 95 SMEs involved in 42 collaborative projects.

Ambassador Clusters have been mobilised to support the SecurIT project developments. They have helped the Consortium to raise awareness about the SecurIT project and to disseminate information on the collaborative projects’ offer to stakeholders from all EU Member States (and Associated Countries) through their network. Ambassador clusters have also been mobilised to establish a mapping of the security solutions offers at the scale of the European Union, summarised as part of the SecurIT project by consortium partners.

Ambassador Clusters

 Main benefits of becoming an Ambassador Cluster

Get an early-access to information provided by the SecurIT Consortium (ahead of external organisations)

Support your members to participate in the open calls of the SecurIT project

Collaborate with the SecurIT project for potential joint events or similar activities