Explore variety of funding instruments and search for national & international security related calls !

Welcome to the engine that allows to find relevant funding instruments in a convenient way. This tool is developed by the SecurIT project team and oriented for security sector but not only.

Disclaimer: the database contains only information from several countries, representing SecurIT project. It should be considered as experimental version for testing the methodology. We will let all know when the tool is developed further.

Easy to use, no logins:

Step 1: select the level of funding instruments you are looking for INTERNATIONAL or NATIONAL.

INTERNATIONAL – only EU calls and other international instruments will be displayed.

NATIONAL – one country to be selected and instruments from this country will be displayed

Step 2: Mark categories of your interest. There are 5 categories:

  • Techniques – what techniques are employed in the solution to generate the output e.g. AI (ML), laser, CBRN, biometry and others? These technologies may be eligible for financial support or considered strategic priorities regardless of their specific application area.
  • Process – the outcomes of a solution can encompass various processes or their components, which may become the subject of national priorities and eligible for financial support. Examples include data sharing, forensics, etc.
  • Development support – what would be the subsequent stages for advancing innovation towards market readiness? There are instruments supporting prototyping, validation, productization and other stages of innovation development.
  • General – what other relevant activities can be funded? In most cases those would be participation in exhibitions, development of marketing materials, search of partners etc. Specific funding instruments can be available for such actions.

You can choose multiple components of your interest.

Step 3: All relevant funding instruments reflecting your selection appears at the bottom of the page.

You can enter any, get more information and the link to original source.