
The project

The ultimate goal of SecurIT is to address multiple key gaps by supporting the development and the integration of innovative security solutions in a new global competitive industrial (& service) value chain, based on the integration and use of disruptive security solutions into security systems and the integration of legal & ethical constraints at all steps of maturity, through the cross-border collaboration between SMEs and other RDI actors of this cross-sectoral sector.

SecurIT contributed to the identification of future security solutions’ needs and use cases related to specific test beds by selecting and supporting best-in-class 42 projects developed by 95 SMEs across Europe (min. 2 per project).

The objective was to further structure the industrial (& services) value chain, and to address global safety, resilience, security, cybersecurity, cyber-physical and cybersecurity towards the whole issues of safe public spaces, territories and critical infrastructures. The integrated approach of the project supported the maturity raise and the overall growth of the European security market.

These actions will guarantee further sustainability and increase employment in the security industry, and the overall competitiveness of the European market.

About the project
Project partners

Project partners

The consortium of the SecurIT project gathers 7 complementary European security clusters and 1 private entity.

SAFE, CenSec and HSD are security market-oriented, with close collaboration with the practitioners and the capability to involve them for the use cases and testbeds identification. SPR, LSEC, L3CE, SCS are deep techs oriented, with a capacity to analyse the potential of disruptive innovations. SAFE, CenSec, are security solutions-oriented, as LSEC and L3CE are cyber security oriented and SCS, HSD and SPR are security and cyber security solutions-oriented.

These clusters represent globally 11,4% of the EU security turnover.

Funding Box is a European leader in supporting innovators’ funding.

Pole SCS
Funding Box

Call for ethical experts

Since the SecurIT project will fund bottom-up projects for the development of security technology solutions, we are looking for experienced experts specialized in ethical issues related to the security domain, in order to be able to adequately address the ethical and social issues around the projects that will be funded.

The appointed experts will monitor the selected projects and report any potential ethical and social issues in the project, in order to ensure that the projects selected through open calls apply to Horizon 2020 ethical standards and guidelines.

To apply : Please send a CV to adeline.gleizal@safecluster.com with:

  • An estimated workday
  • A workday price
  • The methodology applied ( 1 page max.)

Deadline: 12 April 2022

Project partners