Autonomous UAVs for Safety and Security in Stadium

Domain #3

Public spaces protection – major events

Challenge 3.1. Gather and manage real time information



Open Call #2 laureate

Description of the project

AIR-T4S blends the on-the-ground excellence of T4S to fuse in real-time all the necessary information regarding the management of crowd safety and the operational supremacy stemming from the aerial support of the AIROUS platform. Enhanced crowd distribution, dynamic evacuation routing, real-time visualisations and optimal resource planning and management, will be provided through the platform’s common operational picture, events management, task allocation and the security crew mobile app.

The integrated AIR-T4S platform as a public spaces threat detection and response management platform delivering increased preparedness against different types of threats (terrestrial and aerial – terrorism acts, intruders) and support the enhanced crowd safety during Major Events.

Mid-term project update

In overview, within the initial phase of the AIR-T4S project, significant progress has been achieved, particularly in the domains of system design and integration. Challenges encountered have been effectively addressed through proactive strategies, including the utilization of end-user feedback and thoughtful planning.

The main tasks that have been accomplished so far are:

– the identification of user needs;

– the completion of the system design;

– the integration of the UAV video stream with the T4S user interface. The remaining tasks till the end of the project are:

– the integration of the UAV control through the T4S user interface;

– the execution of real-world demonstration

– the validation of the system’s performance Dissemination plan in place. LinkedIn Account has 62 followers (KPI – 100 followers by end project).

Final project update

During AIR-T4S project, significant progress has been achieved, particularly in the domains of system design and integration. Challenges encountered have been effectively addressed through proactive strategies, including the utilization of end-user feedback and thoughtful planning.
The main tasks accomplished so far include:

Identification and Assessment of User Needs: Conducted comprehensive interviews and distributed questionnaires to successfully identify and assess specific user needs and challenges.

System Integration: Successfully integrated the on-the-ground capabilities of T4S with the aerial support provided by the AIROUS platform, creating a unified system that delivers comprehensive crowd safety and threat detection solutions.

Demonstration Video Creation: Created a comprehensive demonstration video showcasing the platform’s features and benefits, including testimonials from users.

View the demonstration and testimonial video:

The demonstration of the AIR-T4S platform at our stadium was impressive, proven to be a vital tool in enhancing our public safety operations .”
Peace and Friendship Stadium

Project consortium

Robosurvey Ltd
Robosurvey Ltd
Thridium Ltd
Thridium Ltd
United Kingdom


Project presentation – SecurIT Awards application video