C-SHIELD, Chemical detection and identification system

Domain #3
Public spaces protection – major events
Open Call #1 laureate
Description of the project
The C-SHIELD project focuses on the development of an innovative system dedicated to the detection of chemical hazards. Built upon proven concepts and prototypes, C-SHIELD provides a system for chemical point detection and identification with the use of heterogeneous sensor nodes.
The solution is based on two different detection technologies, namely Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (IMS) and Flame Photometric Detection (FPD). These two technologies are combined via a small hardware unit called a node. This physical device is equipped with a dedicated data fusion software, which combines and processes the sensors signals. The applied data processing algorithms will help reduce false alarms as well as estimate the class and ID of the detected substance. This will, ultimately, increase the situational awareness of the end-users in the area of interest.
See project flyer
Mid-term project update
During the first 6 months of the project, the team of engineers has prepared two dedicated translators, one for each sensor. The translators are responsible for acquiring sensor data, unification of the data into one format, data pre-processing and analysis. During the first half of the project, the first version of translators’ casing has been prepared. The sensor node hardware has been assembled and tested in the controlled conditions.
Final project update
The C–SHIELD project is dedicated to the development of an innovative system for chemical hazard detection. The solution is based on two different detection technologies, namely IonMobility Spectroscopy (IMS) and Flame Photometric Detection (FPD). The two commercially available sensors are combined via a hardware unit called a Sensor Node, which is a point detector and can easily be carried by one–person and operated on the move. During the first 6 months of the project, the team of engineers has prepared two dedicated translators, one for each sensor. The translators are responsible for acquiring sensor data, unification of the data into one format, data pre–processing and analysis.
During the project lifecycle, all core requirements have been met and the final version of the C–SHIELD system consists of:
- dedicated translators for each sensor,
- the Sensor Node which is the heart of the system and serves as internal data processing unit,
- the data fusion component enabling the system to classify and identify data from different sensors

Final demonstration of the C-SHIELD solution in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Poland, July 2023