Protecting EV Charging Infrastructure
Domain #1
Sensitive infrastructure protection
Challenge 1.1. Development of cybersecurity solutions for sensitive infrastructure protection
Open Call #2 laureate

Description of the project
EV Safe proposal aims to deploy interoperable software tools and services aimed at Electric Vehicle Charge Point Operators (CPOs) to help them detect and remediate attacks against Electric Vehicle Charging Station ( EVCS) infrastructure. EVSC Infrastructure is exposed to significant cyber risks that can affect the functioning of essential parts of the economy and transportation sector. Consortium consists of 3 SMEs from Greece and Croatia. Parity Platform P.C. is a technology company established in Greece and is the leading partner and technology developer for the consortium. Parity Platform P.C. has also developed EV Loader, a software solution used by CPOs in Greece and Cyprus to manage electric vehicle charging stations and has domain expertise for EV charging infrastructure management and IoT/Cloud Security. Grid One d.o.o is a technology SME established in Croatia. The SME manages EV charging stations and residential smart energy meters. Technomat is an SME that operates14 retail stores in Greece.and will provide access to charging stations in commercial locations to test tools developed within EV Safe to simulate threat scenarios. The end goal is the development and thorough testing of a suite of tools to help operators of charging stations to protect their assets from potential cyber threats.
Mid-term project update
EV Safe proposal aims to deploy interoperable software tools and services aimed at Electric Vehicle Charge Point Operators (CPOs) to help them detect and remediate attacks against Electric Vehicle Charging Station (EVCS) infrastructure. EVSC Infrastructure is exposed to significant cyber risks that can affect the functioning of essential parts of the economy and transportation sector.
For the past six months our R&D projects team in EV Loader,Technomat and,Gridone researched cyber security practices for EV Charging stations and review actual cyber threat cases. 11 Locations were also added under monitoring of EV Safe tool. For the next six months the team will be working in actual locations to simulate cyber-attacks to EV Charging Stations and deploy mitigation tools. At the end of SecurIT project key findings will be made available to the public via a whitepaper report. The end goal of the project is to deliver and implement a security provision framework for EVCS infrastructure addressing key threats against EV Charging Stations.
Final project update
For the past 12 months R&D projects team in EV Loader,Technomat and,Gridone worked in the following stages
- Stage 1: Research cyber security practices for EV Charging stations and review actual cyber threat cases
- Stage 2: 11 Charging Locations were added under monitoring of EV Safe tool and initial testing of the tool took place
- Stage 3. Simulation of cyber-attacks to EV Charging Stations and deployment of mitigation tools. At the end of SecurIT project key findings will be made available to the public via a whitepaper report. The end goal of the project is to deliver and implement a security provision framework for EVCS infrastructure addressing key threats against EV Charging Stations.
- Stage 4: Replication of tools in more than 50 charging stations of EV Loader. Inclusion of EV Loader and EV Safe within the offerings of Technomat. Replication with Croatian partners.

Project final demonstration : Cyber Threat simulation on Public EV Charging locations
Research team was successful in implementing improved cyber security measures aiming to prevent or quickly remediate malicious attacks against EV Charging stations. Project partners also set out a commercialization and distribution plan. Under this plan Parity Platform owns the software IP for EV Loader and EV Safe and continues to improve EV Safe tools, while Technomat and Gridone can distribute EV Loader and EV Safe under defined distribution agreements through their channels and relay feedback collected from clients to Parity Platform software team to continuously improve the tools.

Webinar for electricians and installer in Greece, hosted by EV Loader & Technomat, June 2024