Pitch your project!

Open Call webinar info session #4

Last chance to directly ask your questions to the SecurIT Consortium!

You have an inspiring project idea but you miss a compelementary partner? We give you the floor to pitch your project!


The team Funding Box and the SecurIT Consortium will give all tips to successfully complete your application.

  • Project overview
  • The selection process
  • Q&A time
  • Pitch session – willing to participate? See information below

🇬🇧  Language: English

🕛 Schedule: 06 April 2022 – 12:00-13:00 CEST

📍 Place: Online

🎙Pitch your project!

During the webinar we will allow up to 10 participants to give a  3 minutes pitch of their project idea in order to find a partner.

If you would like to pitch, please send us your 1-slide ppt before 05 April at 12:00 CEST



🎯 More about SecurIT Open Call #1

SecurIT ambitious goal is to address multiple key gaps by supporting the development and the integration of innovative security solutions.  In a new global competitive industrial & service value chain, SecurIT shall identify future security solutions needs and use cases related to specific test beds.

SecurIT aims to focus on increasing the security of current applications, services and infrastructures, by integrating state-of-the-art security solutions or processes, supporting the creation of lead markets & market incentives in Europe.

More information about the project here