SecurIT launches the Security Solutions Mapping platform

Still looking for partners to apply to SecurIT Open Call? In need for inspiration?

You want to bring visibility to your solution at European scale? Be part of the Security Solutions Mapping!

An easy way to find complementary partners!

In its first release in March 2022, 87 SMEs solutions had been classified in our SecurIT Solutions Catalogue, which had been identified among digital and security SMEs of the SecurIT partners’ respective ecosystems.

To enlarge our mapping and make it easier to use, we have developed an online mapping tool facilitating the search for companies and solutions, which can be filtered per SecurIT Open Call Challenges, but also per technological focus, in the following main areas –

  • Cyber-physical security services
  • Other security products and solutions

The online mapping is now open to any European SMEs with Cybersecurity and Security solutions offers! There are now 103 solutions mapped on the platform.

Browse the mapping & register your solution!

Whether you are willing to integrate a digital solution for security applications, or you are a digital company in need for a partner to develop a security usecase, you may find good matches in our mapping!

Bring visibility to your Security solution

Browse the mapped solutions and register yours!

Security Solutions Mapping

We would like to thank our reliable partner ITC Cluster for having allowed us to build this platform based upon the Cooperation Platform developped in the frame of the STARTUP3 H2020 project.

About SecurIT Open Call #2

SecurIT provides funding for projects developing new prototypes or demonstrators in the security and cybersecurity domain with support from SecurIT consortium. Projects should be submitted by consortia of 2 at least SMEs and should address one of the SecurIT challenges. The Open Call #2 is open until 14 March 2023 at 17:00 CET giving the winners the chance to get up to €88k!

About SecurIT

SecurIT ambitious goal is to address multiple key gaps by supporting the development and the integration of innovative security solutions.  In a new global competitive industrial & service value chain, SecurIT shall identify future security solutions needs and use cases related to specific test beds.

SecurIT aims to focus on increasing the security of current applications, services and infrastructures, by integrating state-of-the-art security solutions or processes, supporting the creation of lead markets & market incentives in Europe.

More information about the project here